The Floating World

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“This is the truth of our Floating World: its sometimes beautiful structures, finely balanced — until they aren’t.  How convincing they seem— how permanent— until,  inevitably, they break up at the slightest movement of the deeper reality they ride upon.”

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Thanks Celia - that was a really encouraging and interesting talk. We often forget that life IS change and this article reminds me that only God is bedrock.


Thanks, Liz — I’m so glad you connected with those thoughts. It seems the pandemic has delivered a good little “kick” to usual ways of thinking (for some of us who needed it) and brought things down to, well, bedrock.


Celia Sage

A native of Idaho, in the US, Celia was whisked away to idyllic Prince Edward County in Ontario, Canada when she married Peter forty years ago.   Their home has been blessed with the birth, growth, and development of two daughters, one small ecclesia, and many nourishing friendships.  As a visual artist by trade, Celia’s life continues to be one long exploration of the confluence of faith and the arts. She revels in time spent with family, now including three grandchildren, and in walking the local trails debating spiritual questions with herself (but not out loud).


Science and Faith, or, Swallowing Camels


Love As Jesus Loved