Love As Jesus Loved

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“Jesus loved the unlovely. He saw the love where we see neediness, he recognised the inner anguish and need for forgiveness where we see an embarrassing lack of protocol and poor behaviour.”

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One barrier to treating others as we should when we are following Jesus, in particular if they are with us on a Sunday, is our long standing and deeply held belief that partaking of the bread and wine should be restricted to baptized members, a belief we share with many other churches. It would make me, at least, feel as a second class person.


Emma Palmer

Emma has been a Family Doctor for 20 years and works in a practice in Devon. 

She has a special interest in mental health and working closely with those who are in in social deprivation. She sees her job as an opportunity to reach out to people in need and an extension of her faith. 

She is passionate about preaching the gospel through positive acts and not just through teaching. 

Over the last 10 years her church has been blessed with many new visitors and they have all needed support in very challenging ways. 

She has 3 children, 2 dogs and a husband. 


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