Tom Gaston

When Tom was young his favourite sandwich was cheese, pickled beetroot, honey, chocolate spread, jam, and peanut butter, between four pieces of bread. It is telling that this is what he came up with when asked to write about himself. Oh, and he has written books and such.



God and the Environment — Stewardship

“I want to start a conversation within our community about the environment and about the climate emergency. We need to start thinking seriously about how we face the challenges that lie ahead and how we understand our role in protecting the environment.”

The Climate Emergency

“This decade is critical if greater catastrophe is to be avoided for ourselves and for our children and grandchildren. So in one way or another, our lives are going to change significantly, and we need to be prepared to face those challenges. As a community we need to start talking about the climate emergency.”

The Word of God

“The Bible is actually quite unique in that it is a library of books, with many different genres, styles, and structures, from different authors, centuries, and contexts. All of that complexity and diversity is wonderful. But does that make it accessible? Does the Bible make it easy to answer life’s big questions? Does it make it easy to find moral guidance? Does it make it easy to build and strengthen your relationship with God? Or actually, does the Bible often seem to be inaccessible, irrelevant, or even, sometimes, boring?”

Hung Up on Sexual Matters?

“I think many Christians are yet to find a comfortable resolution between their theology and their sexuality, which leads to discomfort and resentment. This internal discomfort spills over into external condemnation of the sexual freedoms of others.”

A Healthier View of Sex

“Sexual intercourse is a gift from God. It is a blessing that God has given to humans as the basis of strong, healthy, and intimate relationships. It is a blessing that God has created to bring joy to marriage and to give physical expression to emotional connections. There is nothing inherently sinful about sexuality or sexual desire. It is only when enacted in the wrong circumstances that sexual intercourse becomes sinful.”