Robert Prins

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Robert and his wife Sharon live in Auckland, New Zealand. They have four children: one in Japan, two married in New Zealand and the youngest still at home. Robert really shouldn't be here, but thanks to God's grace and modern medicine, he is able to appreciate the blessing of life that God has given him (all his days have been extra days). With that in mind, Robert's passion is to help people live productive and God filled lives, growing strong marriages and families. He is an engineer by trade, and the author of several books including Thinky Things,



Joy: The Neglected Commandment

"The fruit of the Spirit is joy. Joy is a commandment, and a pleasurable commandment at that. It’s an invitation into the joy of our Lord. And joy will bring us healing and love. It has for me, and it will for you too."

“When I crashed with burnout, the chronic fatigue and depression that followed were some of the lowest points in my life. But that’s where joy came in. In seven years of not being well, joy was a major factor for my healing – in my mental health, and in many other areas of my life.”