Judah: A Story of Struggles and Salvation

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"Judah is a person that grows up in a family that has messy, awkward problems. He has issues with anger, with jealousy. He struggles with his emotions. He lies and deceives those around him. He runs away from his problems. He's afraid. He gives into his lusts and desires. And so if you look at him in that way, he actually becomes a very relatable person."

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Jochem Hale

A British citizen, raised in Holland, living in Canada, I truly feel like I belong to no country.
Perhaps that makes me even more excited about a time where we will only have one king and live in a world filled with peace and joy.

My wife Emily and I have 3 boys, which brings a lot of joy, just not so much peace!

We thoroughly enjoy sharing meals with others, spending time outside and reading the word of God together.


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