The Holy Spirit Angel

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“Who or what is the Holy Spirit? Is it a power or a person? Was the Holy Spirit just a New Testament thing? What is the Name of the Holy Spirit that Jesus said we should be baptised into? These are all questions I had never found satisfactory answers for – until now…”

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Julie Trotman

Julie spent her early life in Cambridge, UK, then moved to London before settling in Southampton – the home town of her husband Keith, and now their two daughters.

Ever since meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John and being baptised, she has always enjoyed discussing the Bible with everyone.  She has a passion for uniting Christians under the simple banner of ‘Belief in what the Bible says’; possible, she believes, through honest reading, accessible language, meditation, prayer and love.

Julie also enjoys creating leaflets, drawing pictures, sewing, singing, playing her Ukulele, walking the dog in God’s glorious countryside so inducive of prayer, and sitting in the garden with Keith for a cup of tea and a biscuit. Or four.


The Word of God


Wisdom’s Story