Daniel: Extravagant Providence

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“This is the exhortation of Daniel in exile. He is an agent of God’s undying love and compassion for his children. Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, and nothing could separate Israel from the love of God which was in the prophet Daniel.”

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Zazz Oosthuizen

Zazz is a Zulu name originating from the word used in Matt 2:1 for the 'wise men' from the East, and evidently a prophetic name. Raised in Durban, South Africa, his family now lives in Sydney, Australia with the marsupials, though he hankers for the bushveld of Africa. He's currently studying the 'beginnings' in Genesis with the young people, and is awestruck by the majesty of the designs and ideas planted there, that blossom into fulfilment through the scriptures by the love of God into His Kingdom of glory.


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