A New Look at Corinthians

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“We need to analyse the circumstances and the people who played a part in the writing of this long letter – the people who were with Paul at the time. That is what I hope to do here, by considering not just the events described, but also the personalities and circumstances surrounding them.”

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Gwen Godfrey

Gwen is a  retired Primary School Teacher, who has thoroughly enjoyed  following up her many interests which include painting, playing the piano and all sorts of crafts as well as researching Biblical, English and Scottish History.

As a keen member of the Richard III Society’s Scottish Branch, she is grateful to them for helping her with both research methods and article writing. If you mention history to Gwen she will talk for hours!

Gwen lives in Irvine in Scotland with her cat Larry, in a home that is full of books, colour and all her craft materials and is visited every week by her oldest brother, Peter. She will tell you that the centre of her whole life is God, on whom she has relied all her life.


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